Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Our Honeymoon

On June 18, 2010, I had the pleasure of marrying my wonderful husband, Adam. We decided to spend the next week in Kissimee, FL, and it was the perfect place for me to learn how to use my camera! Due to the fact that we flew instead of driving, we walked most places, which gave me a lot of opportunities to play with outdoor lighting, some nature shots, and a few random animals showed up also. Because it was just the two of us, I don't have any shots of people from the week. There will be plenty of those to come soon, as I have four senior picture sessions, as well as two wedding within the next month. Keep checking back for the photos of those wonderful friends soon! Enjoy my five favorite pictures from our awesome honeymoon :)

The view from our hotel room in Morgantown

A squirrel decided to wonder near us on one of our walks

An interesting fruit on a tree near one of our dinner sites

A building at Universal Studios

Beverly Hills sign at Universal Studios

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